Throwback Thursday Review: MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search For A New Best Friend by Rachel Bertsche


I previously had a different book blog, and I had a bunch of problems with the hosting company I used for the blog, and all of my content was deleted.  I managed to salvage some of my reviews from back then by compiling what I wrote on Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles review sections.  I will be posting these reviews under a new blog post called Throw Back Thursday Reviews, until I have posted them all on this blog. 🙂


Goodreads Summary:

When Rachel Bertsche first moves to Chicago, she’s thrilled to finally share a zip code with her boyfriend. But shortly after getting married, she realizes that her new life is missing one thing: friends. Sure, she has plenty of BFFs—in New York and San Francisco and Boston and Washington, D.C. Still, in her adopted hometown, there’s no one to call at the last minute for girl talk over brunch or a reality-TV marathon over a bottle of wine. Taking matters into her own hands, Bertsche develops a plan: Meeting people everywhere from improv class to friend rental websites, she’ll go on fifty-two friend-dates, one per week for a year, in hopes of meeting her new Best Friend Forever.

My Thoughts:

I purchased this book, because I too need a BFF. I did not find one by reading this book, but it was a good memoir. Rachel goes on 52 friend dates in a year to find a best friend after moving from New York to Chicago. She doesn’t really have any great friends there like she did back home, so she embarks on a journey to make a best friend by hanging out with someone at least once a week. She uses various sources (,, etc.), to meet these new women. I didn’t like that none of these services were offered in my area, or they offered meet ups an hour away. The only other thing I did not like about her book was all of the statistics. I don’t think it helped her story at all. It was like pausing to add in some facts, then back to the tale. This book shows how hard it is for adults to make friends, which did make me feel better (I am not alone!)


Worth a read, especially if you are in the Chicago area. There are lots of resources on how she met people.


Author: Kaitlin Michelle

Stuff and nonsense

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